CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol and, like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), is an extremely important compound found in CBD (both hemp and CBD plants). This compound, which belongs to the so-called cannabinoids, possesses a wide range of useful properties for both humans and animals.
However, CBD does not allow the user to experience any stoned or high feeling. This is where the cannabinoid THC is entirely responsible. The fact that cannabidiol cannot cause a psychoactive effect is a very big advantage for many people. All daily activities can be continued without problems.
Despite the fact that cannabidiol is completely unknown to many, it is not a recently discovered substance. CBD was isolated from CBD as early as the year 1940. More than 20 years later, in 1963, the Israeli chemist and professor Raphael Mechoulam, together with his colleague Yuval Shvo, managed to map out the correct structural formula of cannabidiol. However, only in recent years has it become clear that CBD has many useful applications, causing CBD oil to rise to unprecedented popularity in a short period of time.
CBD is an active cannabinoid in herbs
In addition to CBD and THC, there are at least 100 other active cannabinoids found in herb plants. All of these plant cannabinoids are called phytocannabinoids, derived from the Greek phyton, meaning plant. The unique thing about phytocannabinoids is that they possess the same properties as certain substances found naturally in our bodies, the so-called endocannabinoids. Substances such as the well-known THC and the increasingly popular CBD, mimic these body’s own substances.
Because these plant (phytogenic) cannabinoids are, as it were, copies of our body’s own (endogenous) cannabinoids, they fit like keys on specific receptors (receptors on cells) in our body, to which normally only body’s own substances bind. Thus, like endocannabinoids, they can influence certain biological processes or functions in our bodies.

Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid that is recognized as a substance in its own right
Thus, our body does not see these phytocannabinoids as unknown invaders and makes no move to activate a defense mechanism. This has the advantage that the body can absorb CBD in a fast and correct manner and that internal processes can be quickly influenced or directed. Negative consequences of bodily defenses and the production of antibodies are avoided.
This internal system of cannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors is called the endocannabinoid system. Since the discovery of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), the properties of cannabidiol and other lesser-known cannabinoids have also been increasingly focused on, rather than just extensively investigating the properties of THC, as was previously the case. Learn where to buy cbd by clicking on this link.
How does cannabidiol function in our bodies?
Our body is a complex biological machine in which all kinds of chemical processes are continuously taking place. To understand the influence of the phytocannabinoid CBD on our body, we would like to refer you to the detailed explanation on the information page: How Does CBD Function?
How is CBD formed?
CBD, like the other phytocannabinoids, is produced in the trichomes (resin glands) of the CBD plant. This is done through biosynthesis via two different routes in the plant. In this process, enzymes catalyze a series of chemical reactions in which complex molecules are formed from simple, smaller molecules.
The precursors of all natural cannabinoids are geranyl pyrophosphate and olivetolic acid. These two precursors are produced by a complex series of biosynthetic reactions. With the help of an enzyme called GOT (geranyl pyrophosphate:olivatolate geranyltransferase), they are linked together forming the first cannabinoid, known as cannabigerolic acid (CBGA).