We know your cat represents the world to you. At Honest Paws, we’re animal owners and lovers, just like you. That’s why we understand that when our feline friends seem to be doing poorly, it’s a scary time. Worst of all, a visit to the vet is likely to create even more stress. What are all these medications for? Are they necessary? Will they work?
By now, you’ve probably heard about the benefits of CBD. CBD continues to make its way into the world of holistic medicine and it’s not surprising why. It was only a matter of time before experts in the field would consider whether or not CBD could bring potential benefits to our four-legged companions.
If you haven’t already heard, we are pleased to report that CBD for cats and dogs is increasingly gaining the attention and recognition it deserves, and we can’t wait to tell you how all this is possible.
What is CBD cat oil?
CBD Oil for Cats is a liquid substance derived from the cannabis plant. CBD is short for cannabidiol. It is one of more than 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant.
Although there is a wide variety of cannabinoids, CBD and THC are the most well known. CBD oil is non-toxic and completely natural, and while it is undoubtedly developing and becoming a large part of the conversation on natural ways to treat disease. There are still some misunderstandings that we hope to clear up to shed more light on CBD oil for cats.
Understanding CBD – How does it work?
Like humans, dogs and cats have endocannabinoid systems (ECS). The endocannabinoid system works to regulate certain functions such as pain, mood, sleep, appetite, and immunity.
All of our bodies, including those of our pets, have naturally produced cannabinoids called endocannabinoids. So when you or your furry companion consume a cannabic product like CBD oil, you are supplementing your endocannabinoid system. A good comparison is to consider how vitamin C supplements the body’s immune system. You are, as it were, helping your body to perform its natural functions.
As mentioned above, there are still some misunderstandings regarding the cannabis plant. We know you want to jump on the benefits that CBD can give your cat, but we feel it’s important to understand this first. Cannabis Sativa L is a typical name for the plant that combines different strains. Some of these strains produce marijuana, which is illegal in some federations and states.
Other strains produce hemp for therapeutic and industrial purposes. We want our readers to understand that the cannabis plant itself is a term in which both the hemp plant and the marijuana plant are found.
While there are certain similarities between the hemp plant and the marijuana plant, there are also some differences that are extremely important to recognize.
In general, the cannabis plant contains both CBD and THC. However, cannabis plants containing less than 0.3% THC are known as hemp plants. Products made from the hemp plant are legal in all 50 states.
The marijuana plant is commonly recognized for its psychoactive properties. This doesn’t mean that the marijuana plant doesn’t have medicinal qualities. It has them completely. The marijuana plant helps individuals with a wide range of health conditions every day. However, the stigma about it still exists and quite widely.
On the other hand, products derived from the hemp plant are considered non-psychoactive, meaning they will not produce that “flying” feeling. When we talk about CBD for cats and dogs, we are referring to a product derived from this hemp plant. Because of this, CBD will not make your pet “fly”.
In addition, we want to emphasize that while CBD derived from the marijuana plant may be legal in your state, it could be very dangerous for your dogs and cats and even make them very sick. Pet owners should administer CBD derived from the hemp plant to their furry friends. To learn more about CBD oil for cats, just click here for more information. You can get a lot of helpful tips for your pet.